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Skratch Lounge started in April of 2010.  Earlier that year, DJ Bamboo was in the Bay and heard about this event called Skratchpad, and he thought it was the coolest idea that people were still keeping turntablism alive.  It was the reason we all wanted to get into DJing, and watching the DMC battle tapes in the 90's is still an inspiration to us today.  We wanted to share and spread that passion to others in our home town Seattle.  When DJ Bamboo returned, he spoke with crewmate DJ Spinja and they decided to put something together to give it a shot.  It turned out to be more successful than they had originally planned (or lack thereof).  That’s the beauty of things like this – sometime figuring things out as they come along leads to the most creative results.  All of the DJs who show up seem to share a common soul and passion for the DJ/turntablism culture – it still brings us back to when we first wanted to learn how to scratch.  Grassroots.  Groove Techs.

The night has not changed since the first event:  every first Thursdays we continue to have open scratch cyphers, and we finish off the night with a DMC-style/battle showcase from the best turntablists, both locally and nationally.  Skratch Lounge has brought awareness and a home for Pacific Northwest turntablists.  We are among other Skratch movements along the West Coast, including Skratchpad, Skratcher, Battle Ave, and SkratchLab.  In 2011, Skratch Lounge gained a large swing of momentum by reigniting the DMCs to return to the region, and it was welcomed by many, both scratch and non-scratch DJ’s.  The DMCs have happily returned to Seattle annually since.

- Groove Techs (DJ Bamboo & DJ Spinja)
